Ulta Beauty

Product Detail Page UX/UI Audit
Streamlining Product Pages

Tackling the inefficiencies in the product detail page design for Ulta Beauty by focusing on improving usability and clarity.These updates transformed the product page into a streamlined, user-friendly experience that prioritizes accessibility and decision-making efficiency.

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  • ClientUlta Beauty
  • IndustryBeauty Reatil
  • ServicesRedesign, ux/ui imporvements
1. Buy Box Section
  • Current Issue: The buy box section is excessively long, requiring users to scroll to access product details. Additionally, product variations lack a clear visual hierarchy, making navigation cumbersome.
  • Suggested Update: Redesign the buy box into a condensed, modular format that allows users to access key information quickly. Introduce clear active states to enhance the visual hierarchy and make product variations more intuitive.
Ulta Beauty buy box section redesign
Ulta Beauty review section redesign
2. Review Section
  • Current Issue: The review section suffers from poor visual hierarchy, making it difficult for users to quickly identify important information.
  • Suggested Update: Incorporate pops of color and bold typography to highlight key review details such as ratings, pros, and cons. This improved hierarchy simplifies the decision-making process and enhances the overall buying experience.

Dallas, Texas

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